Role: Illustrator & Animator
Respecting Time
In the role of a salesperson, one might perceive themselves as highly inquisitive, adept at employing textbook time-constrained Discovery skills. However, it's important to guard against succumbing to confirmation bias—listening to what aligns with your expectations rather than what truly needs to be heard.
Failing to do so may result in the costly consequence of squandering valuable time.
When I started reading this script, I thought, "Wow, there are complex ideas here.
How can I make them clear visually?" As a visual problem solver, my aim is to design
simple and clear images. The images below are the solutions to the problems I had to figure out.
This is the opening scene where our salesperson is excited about an important closing call he’s scheduled today.
Unfortunately he doesn’t close the say due to a delay from the buyer.
Here the salesman is deeply upset because he invested eight months of his valuable time working on the deal.
Salesman playing back his sales process.
Salesman lost the sale, and paid the price. Eight months of his precious time.
Snippet of the animated video.